Selling Your House to An Investor: Why It Makes More Sense Than Ever

Let me start this article off by saying that I know what you are probably thinking. You’ve heard of selling your house to cash investors before. You’ve gotten the little yellow notes in the mail and you’ve seen the signs on the side of the road, “Sell your house in 7 days or less”, “stop foreclosure now” …maybe you’ve responded to the letter or called that sign and, because they didn’t call you back or do what they said they were going to do – they left you high and dry. Let me speak for the rest of us, and apologize for their unprofessionalism because that is unacceptable.

Almost ten years ago, this country saw the greatest economic downturn since the great depression. Everyone was affected in some way. Jobs were affected, the stock market depleted, and the real estate market crashed. If you were trying to sell your house the traditional way in late 2007 to 2009, it was nearly impossible. From the investor side, many investors lost everything because they paid too much for houses based solely on hope that the market would keep going up and up. Some investors though, capitalized on the crash and could buy properties for pennies on the dollar. These investors were the only hope to people who had nearly lost everything.

There were honest people able to help those in need – and they did. Did they make money in the process? Yes, that’s what we are in business to do, but they were the only lifeline to those that needed to sell their house.

Now ten years later, it is safe to say that the market has bounced back. Markets are thriving, homes are appreciating and yes, investors are still buying. Because the market is so strong, you have options when you want to sell your house. Inventory is low and demand for housing is high. This leaves you, as a seller in a good position because we as investors are forced to pay more for housing than we have in the last ten years. But, other than being able to get more cash from investors for your house today than in the last ten years, what I really want to focus on is your greatest asset – which is “Time”. You may be able to get a few thousand dollars more for your house if you use a real estate agent, but you’re going to pay them a 5-7% commission so the money is practically a wash.

Here’s A Timeline of a Traditional Sale:

  1. Locating Agents to Interview (1-3 days)
  2. Interview Agents (7 days)
  3. Hire Agent/Sign Paperwork (1 day)
  4. Clean House, Get Photos, Wait for Listing to Go Live (5-7 days)
  5. Time it takes to get an offer (14-60 days)
  6. Closing Process (45-60 days)

Total Time it could take is 138 days – and these are based on averages!

1-3-8 one hundred and thirty-eight days…and that’s if everything goes smooth with inspections and buyer financing. Who in 2017 wants to wait four and a half months to sell their house when there is a much faster option?When you sell your house to a professional investor, you’re wrapped up in typically 30 days or less. That’s from the time you respond to the note left in your mailbox until there is a cashier’s check in your hand. As professional investors, we are not bound by financing, inspections, appraisals, or long closing periods. We purchase your house in as-is condition, with no inspections or contingencies, using cash and in as little as 21 days. So, when you really take a step back and look at the market we are in, which is a strong sellers’ market where you will get more for your house, you should be focusing on the time it takes to sell your house and the amount of hassle you want to go through to do so. Our time is Our most precious asset, don’t spend four months of your life trying to move on. All the best, Ryan Scialabba

About the author – Ryan Scialabba is co-owner of the Urban Capital Group located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. As Pittsburgh’s Top Home Buyer, the company takes pride in providing the simplest and fastest way to sell your house. Since he started in real estate he has been able to help hundreds of home owners sell their home in as little as 21 days. If you would like more information about them and their 3-step home selling process, visit them at WWW.HOMEBUYERSOFPITTSBURGH.COM or find us on Facebook at